Sea Wall Reconstruction, Peaks Island

Project Details :

Project Description: Sea Wall Reconstruction


Location: Peaks Island, Maine

Project Team: Walsh Engineering Associates, Inc., Lionel Plante Associates (Landscape Architect)

Work Scope:

WEA was tasked with the challenge of permitting and designing a revetment prior to the wall collapsing. WEA investigated options and determined that removing the existing sea wall could potentially cause additional erosion and jeopardize a septic systems stability. WEA prepared and obtained local (City of Portland Site Plan and Shoreland Zone), state (Maine DEP NRPA) and federal (Army Corps of Engineers) permits for this shoreline stabilization project. WEA also provided construction oversight services as the sea wall was built. By using reclaimed granite blocks, WEA permitted and designed a sea wall that has very little environmental impact while providing an aesthetically pleasing wall that fit into the island’s vernacular with the assistance of Lionel Plante Associates, Landscape Architects.

One Karen Drive, Suite 2A
Westbrook, Maine 04092
